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weave braid

Ok friends, I am missing warm weather. Anybody else? We have been pounded by rain the past couple days, and I truly am ready fro sunnier brighter days. Although, I did enjoy drinking hot chocolate, making chocolate chips cookies, painting nails, and watching Tangled with my girls. I can’t complain about that one. I tried this style on another not so sunny day and I have been asked about it several times. So, here it is!

braid weave

Start with the hair parted in 4 sections (in the middle, and behind the ears). Place each section in an elastic. Separating the front right ponytail into three subsections, braid each one. You will then have three completed braids in this one ponytail. Do the same to the other front pigtail. You now should have six different braids, three on each side. Grabbing the braids from the right side, add them to the back left ponytail. Laying the braids down flat. Grab on braid from the left side, weaving it under the first braid, over the second, under the third. The second braid, place over the first, under the second, over the third. Taking the last braid, place under the under the first, over the second, under the third. Then place those stands into the right rear ponytail. I like to make them into messy buns at this point because its fun, and it hides all those elastics from the braids, ha!


It looks complicated, and might sound like it, it is a little bit more “complex” than a lot of the styles we do, but its absolutely adorable! I hope to see your tries on this one!

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