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Kids Crayon Craft

I am kind of excited about this post.  It turned out exactly like I thought it would, and my kids LOVE it!  If you need a simple activity for a rainy day that doesn’t cost anything, this is the project for you.  Plus, if you need a super easy last minute Mother’s Day card idea, this is the post for you as well!

DIY Crayon Rubs

I started with a scrap piece of foam core and a hot glue gun.  If you don’t have any on hand, you can definitely use a piece of cardboard just as easily.  My girls told me which shapes they wanted to have, and I used my glue gun to make the shapes.  Once the glue was dry, I used an Xacto knife to cut the shapes into squares that are really easy to use.

Crayon Rubs

I cut some computer paper in half and let the girls get to it.  We pealed the wrappers off of some crayons to make it even easier and then they placed the shapes under the paper and rubbed the crayons to create the shapes.

DIY Mother's Day card

Once they had gotten the hang of it, I got out some cardstock paper and cut it in half and created a card.  The girls helped me rub the heart shape onto the card and then I pulled out my mini alphabet stamps that I picked up from the Micheals dollar section to write Happy Mother’s Day.  It turned out so cute and then the girls wrote/drew inside of the card to personalize it for their grandma.

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