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This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HuggiesSwimmers

My family loves to go out on the boat.  We try to go out as often as we can because it is such a fun activity to do with our girls, plus the boat dock is only about 10 minutes from our house.  It is a win-win scenario.  Of course, to be able to go boating, you have to do a lot of prep work to make sure you have everything that you need.  Especially when you are taking two little ladies with you. Here are some tips for the next time you go boating with kids.

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If you want a successful boating trip, here is my advice for what to pack.  First and foremost, you need cold water.  We have a medium sized cooler that fits perfectly in our boat that we always stock with water bottles.  It is so easy to get dehydrated being out in the sun and having fun.  We also pack the cooler with things like grapes, crackers, licorice and jerky.  We try to keep it to stuff that won’t melt in the sun.  (We learned that one the hard way.  Fruit snacks are not your friend.)  Also, you MUST have life jackets.  The girls keep their life jackets on from the time they get into the boat when we are launching it, to the time we pull the boat out of the water and get them out of the boat.  It is SO important that they are safe.

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Make sure you pack your sunscreen.  I would hate to see my girls get a sunburn, so I always pack a bottle of SPF 50 sunscreen and apply generously.  We used to keep the sunscreen on the boat, but learned that it heats up quickly and isn’t a good idea.  Keep it inside your beach bag with your towels on the boat.

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Last but not least, you MUST pack good diapers if your kids are still wearing them.  I really LOVE the Huggies Little Swimmers Diapers, and made sure to grab a pack of them while I was at Target the other day.  Here’s why I love these diapers.  I have tried just using normal diapers on the boat, and I have used generic brand swim diapers.  The result is always the same.  They end up a soggy, mushy mess!  It really isn’t fun, and it doesn’t keep the moisture away from my daughter’s little hind end very well.  I love the Little Swimmers diapers because there isn’t any sagging, it is great at keeping my daughter dry when she isn’t in the water, and they just fit well.  Check this out.  You can hardly even tell that she is wearing them which makes life better for her since she can move around easily.

Huggies little swimmers diapers

If you are needing to get some swim diapers for your fun water activities this summer, there is a coupon from Target for $1.50 off that you can use on your next purchase!  Be sure to print it off and bring it with you.


Do you have any must have items to go in your bag while enjoying water activities?  I would LOVE to hear it if you do!

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