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It is time to announce our winners of the fourth and final installment of the Play at Home giveaways.  I don’t know about you, but I thought they were so fun!  I loved that so many of you were able to be a part of Blog Wars from home.  Thank you for participating!  Without further ado, the winners of the box of paper crafting supplies from American Crafts and Crate Paper are:

Helen B

Elise R

Congratulations ladies!  Email me (jonie at just-between-friends dot com) with your mailing address so that I can pass along your information for your prize.

I will be posting the rest of the meet the contestants posts later today if you would like to come back and learn a little more about each one.  I didn’t plan those out very well as far as when to post them goes.  I will do better next season- there’s a lot that I will do better.  Thank you for your patience with me as I have had to iron out details during the competition.  Here’s to an even better second season!

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