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We are going to have the pleasure of meeting Wendy from Craft Goodies today!  Here are her answers to the questions that I asked all the contestants:


#1 What is your favorite kind of project? -also- What is your favorite project you have ever completed?

My favorite projects seem to be the ones for my house, be it inside or out, making my house into my “home” makes me very happy.  My favorite project ever?  That’s tough, there’s been too many! This one (×4-turkey.html) however would certainly be up there.  It’s the project that got me noticed in the blogosphere, you know let to my first feature, first guest tutorial, brought in followers, gave me a reason to open my etsy shop.  In other words, it was big for me!

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 #2 If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

The better question is where would I start?  My husband and I have been making this list for years, so many amazing places to see and things to do.  We just need our kids to get a bit older before we can start checking them off.

#3 If you had one day to do anything you wanted to do, what would it be?

I’d spend it with my sisters and mom.  Okay, my brother could come too.

#4 When you were younger, what did you think you would be when you grew up, and did it happen?

I wanted to be a first grade teacher and own my own dance studio.  I kind of did it.  Instead of first grade, I spent over 10 years teaching pre-kindergarten eventually opening my own school.  I loved it! I never did own my own studio but did teach dance at several studios, worked with several Jr. and High School dance teams across the nation, and taught on staff with a national dance company for well over 15 years.  They are happy memories that I’m so glad I was able to achieve. Would I go back it I could?  Yeah! I would!

#5 Favorite medium? (paint, sewing, power tools,etc..)

I don’t know that I have a favorite medium, it changes depending on what I am doing.  If I’m really busy with my store, anything non-wood and power tool related takes the top spot.  If things slow down a bit, I love to play around with the power tools and dabble in furniture and home decor.  I guess I’d just have to say “creating” is my favorite.

#6 Why did you start your blog? How long ago did you start it?

I started my blog almost three years ago when my family and I moved from Washington state to Texas.  I wanted a way to stay in touch with the gals that I crafted with as well as have something to do while figuring out a new city.  It was perfect!  I’ve net so many great ladies through my blog and have done and made things that I never would have thought possible without it.  Granted it’s been a bit sparse in posts over the last few months due to our moving back to Washington state, re-constructing our house, and the arrival of a new baby girls just this past week!  All very blog worthy events….I just had to catch my breath!

 #7 Tell me your favorite joke.

My favorites are the really lame knock-knock jokes that my kids make up.  They are so silly you can’t help but laugh!

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