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It’s here!  Today is the day that the first round of Blog Wars officially begins.  Are you ready for this?

Provo Craft is our sponsor for this round and they sent a package with some glittery iron on vinyl to the competitors to use in their project this week.  This is going to be our secret ingredient for this week!  I can’t wait to see what they come up with.  The rules are that they have to use the vinyl in their project, but there are no restrictions on what the project can be.  The contestants are welcome to use their own materials along with the product to create their project but only have 4 days to complete it.  Be sure to come back on Friday to see all 12 projects and vote for your favorite!  Good Luck to our contestants!

I wanted to say another quick thank you to our sponsors.  They are pretty incredible!  They are what has made this competition so amazing already.

Family Share  |  Cricut  |  Riley Blake Designs  |  Happy Potamus  |  Wood Connection

Pick Your Plum  |  Breathing Space  |  Tiny Prints  |  American Crafts  |  Very Jane

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