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Happy Valentines Day!  I wanted to show you some fun Valentines today just for the fun of it.  I helped my daughter and my sister create their Valentines and think they are pretty dang cute.  I will start with Lillie’s Valentines for her friends at preschool and then I will be back later today showing you the ones my sister made.

If you want a cute, inexpensive, candy free Valentine, then these are definitely for you!


I happened to find the whistles at Walmart in their party favor section.  They were $2 for a set of 8. If you would rather buy them online, I found a great selection of Lip Whistles for you to choose from that had even lower prices and different selection.

Blow Me a Kiss Valentine Printable

I created the printable and it really is so simple which is what I love most about it.  The printable is also really easy to use.Printables are for personal use and available to subscribers of Just Between Friends only.  To use this printable, please SUBSCRIBE NOW.

Once you have subscribed, click the link below to download the printable:
Blow Me a Kiss Printable

To attach the lips to the card, I simply set the lips down in the middle of the card and traced around the part that I wanted to go through the card.  Then I used an Xacto knife and cut an X through the oval.  I pushed the edges back a little and the put the lips directly into the card.  It fits nice and snug so you don’t have to worry about using any adhesives.

DIY-Valentine-Kiss 2

Lillie is so excited to give these to her friends!  I can’t wait to go pick her up from school to see how her first Valentine’s party went!

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