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It’s been a while since I have posted any new projects on here.  There have been several people that have emailed me, texted me, and called me to make sure that I am still doing ok.  I appreciate every one of you! I am doing awesome, I have just been trying to get into a new routine that includes a healthier me.  It has never really been a huge priority in my life to work out or eat right.  I have tried it now and again, but I haven’t ever taken it seriously.

*I am about to get personal here which is something that I don’t do often because it kind of makes me uncomfortable.  Here goes nothing!

I looked in the mirror the other day and decided something.  I decided that I wasn’t happy with the way that I looked and felt about myself.  Some days I don’t even care about the way that I look. You can tell because I usually have my hair in a ponytail and very minimal make up (if any at all.)  I can tell the difference between the days that I take time for myself and the days that I don’t.  The days that I take the time to throw on a cute outfit, do my hair and wear a fun necklace, those are the days that I feel like I could take on the world.  The days that I don’t do that, I feel like I am dragging and have no energy.

I came to the realization that if I felt better by taking care of the things on the outside of my body then I would probably feel even more amazing if I were to do the same for the inside.  The problem was that I had no idea where to start.

That’s where LeanMoms came to my rescue!

LeanMoms is a program that tells you the food to eat, the exercises to do, and gives you the support you need every single day.  It is made especially for busy mom’s because all you have to do is follow the plan they have set out for you.  They show you videos showing you every single work out so that when you get to the gym you can get right to work!  Plus they have an amazing community full of people just like me that support each other and encourage each other.

Instead of a fad diet that promises quick (but not lasting) results, LeanMoms gives women the
necessary tools to make long-lasting healthy lifestyle changes to help them feel better about
themselves, be stronger and more active for their children, and have a lean, sculpted body they
can be proud of.”

I am not here to sell you on the program, I just wanted to share this with you for a couple of reasons.

#1 Telling you about being on this program is going to hold me accountable to finishing as I am going to give you status updates along the way.  (I took before pictures, and if I ever get over how awful I look in them and get the amazing body that I hope to have in the end, I might even share them with you.)

#2 I have only been doing the program for one week and am already seeing results.  I can’t even tell you what a difference it has made in my life.  I am telling you about it so that you can try it out for yourself if you would like to.

Let me tell you about my experience so far.  I began the program one week ago.  I should have started sooner, but was afraid of it.  What if it didn’t work for me?  What if it was too hard and I wanted to quit?  What if….. what if….. there were a lot of what ifs.  Then there was the excuse of “I HAVE to start on a Monday.  I already screwed this Monday up, so I will just wait till the next one.” Here’s the good news.  I started and am glad that I finally did.  In one week, I have already lost 3.5 lbs and 2 inches!!!  I am not making that up.  It is hard to change everything all at once, so of course I have had days where I didn’t make it to the gym or didn’t eat exactly what I was supposed to, but it is ok.  I have made changes in my life that are making a BIG difference!  I feel stronger and so accomplished.

If you are interested, LeanMoms offers a free 6 week training program just for signing up for their emails.  You can give it a try to see if it is for you.  If you like it, LeanMoms has three different types of plans that they offer.  Here are the details of what they include:

The Molly 3-Month Membership ($67) includes:

  • Access to LeanMoms Member’s site
  • Full, detailed meal plan and shopping lists.
  • Soft to Sculpted Level 1 Complete Workout
  • Support and healthy advice via e-mail and social media posts from LeanMoms coaches.
  • Set of recorded downloadable calls to aid you in your success.

The Sophie 6-Month Membership ($147) includes:

  • Access to LeanMoms Member’s Site
  • Soft to Sculpted Level 1 Complete Workout Program
  • Meal plan and shopping lists
  • Access to private Facebook group
  • Free access to regular group calls
  • Weightloss Meditation Program

The Savannah One-Year VIP Membership ($197) includes:

  • Access to LeanMoms Member’s site
  • Soft to Sculpted Level 1 and Level 2 Complete Workout Programs
  • Level 1 and Level 2 Meal Plans
  • Access to Private Facebook group
  • Free access to group calls
  • NEW weekly workout options and recipes
  • Weightloss Meditation Program
  • Exclusive discounts and gyms, spas, and other businesses partnered with LeanMoms
  • 10% discount on any LeanMoms merchandise
  • 50% discount on any LeanMom live events

Here’s the best part! LeanMoms has offered to let me do a giveaway to one of my readers.  You can win the Molly 3 Month Membership worth $67!

All you need to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  The giveaway will run from now until Monday January 28th at midnight.  The winner will be announced on Tuesday January 29th.  Good luck, and here’s to a healthier you (and me!!!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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