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I have been working on getting things more organized around here.  There are a lot of things that I would like to see here on this blog, and a lot of things that I know you wish you could see.  I had a realization the other day that I couldn’t do it alone.  That is why I am so excited to tell you about some exciting new things that are going to be happening on Just Between Friends!

I am going to be introducing you to two new segments that you will see twice a month.  They will be written by my new contributors who are both ladies that I love dearly.  Let me introduce you to them and the segments they will be writing.

Charli is my sister and one of my very closest friends.  (I can’t say best friend because I have four sisters and they are all my closest friends so none of them are the best 🙂  She is an inspiring and beautiful woman.  I am so lucky that she is willing to share with my readers!  She has always had a love of books, and I thought it would be fun to have a segment with book recommendations.  Since she is the pro, I knew she was the gal for the job.  Charli will be writing her segment, “I really like books,” twice a month- once for the kids and once for the adults.  I just know you are going to love it AND her.

Dorothy is my cousin and also a very close friend.  (What can I say, I LOVE my family.) She has always had a great way with words and loves to create in the kitchen.  I knew she would be a perfect contributor for a cooking segment that we are going to call “Dorothy’s Dish.”  She is both talented and beautiful.  I am so thrilled that she agreed to join me in this blogging endeavour and I know you are going to love her as well.

Look for these blogging buttons to know when these lovely ladies are the ones writing.  I just KNOW that you are going to love what they have to offer!

I would love for this blog to be a place where you can come for advice, tips, crafts, recipes, and so much more.  I have been thinking about the name Just Between Friends and what I want it to mean.   I think we go to our friends when we are looking for something, have questions about something, or when we need support.  I want this to feel like that safe place where you can go and acheive exactly that.  It will be a safe place where we can shares ideas and stories.  I would love to have more invovlement from you, my friends.
I have lots of ideas, and am so excited to share them with you, but only if it’s just between friends. :)
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