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About a month ago, I asked my awesome friend Caitlin (Lady Hue) if she would create a family photo for me.  She is a talented artist and I really love her style.  I sent her a bunch of random photos of my family so that she could get the basic idea of what we look like and size etc, and then she created this family photo that I adore. 

I knew that I wanted a place to display it that I could see it every day because I seriously can’t stop looking at it.  I thought a frame would have worked, but I wanted it to be a little more substantial than that.  (Just so you have an idea of the sizes of everything, the pic is an 8X10.)

One day, while I was at the thrift store, I stumbled on this amazing table top.  It was $2.00 and I knew it needed to be mine.  There were just so many possibilities with it. 

Here’s what I did.  First, I spray painted the frame the picture is in.  I went with a dark brown and I like the way that it outlines the photo and really makes it stand out. 

Next, I painted the table top edges the same brown.  Then, I went to Hobby Lobby and bought some scrapbook paper to mod podge to the front of the table.  I really like the paper I chose.  It coordinates very nicely with the decor I have going on in my front room. 

Last, I added some vinyl and hung the photo on top of the table. 

I love the way it turned out!  It is a perfect addition to my front room.  There is more to the arrangement on the wall, and you can kind of get a sneak peak here.  I need to write another tutorial before I can show you the whole thing though. 🙂

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