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I don’t often take time to share my personal stuff here on this blog, and frankly that isn’t the reason I have this blog.  BUT, I NEED to just show you some pictures of my girls that I had taken a week and a half ago in their Easter dresses because they are the cutest ever.

We wanted to surprise my mom (which didn’t really pan out) and take some pictures of all the grandchildren (all three of them).  My sister and I bought these beautiful matching Easter dresses for our girls from Target. 

Photos taken by the talented Rachel from Luminosity Photography

 I love this photo of Lillie. 

Addilyn was more interested in playing with the egg than actually look up at the camera. 

She was also found eating her shoe

 My niece is only 6 weeks younger than Addie.  It will be so fun for them as they grow older to have a cousin that is the same age.

I just love my girls and feel like the luckiest mom in the world to have them.  They really are such sweet girls with so much personality. 
Thanks for indulging me. 🙂

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