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Yesterday, we celebrated my husband’s 27th birthday!  I wanted to do something extra fun for him and decided that I would celebrate all day.  Since he had to work, and I definitely didn’t want to sit at the office with him, this is what I did instead.

Starting at 8:00 AM, I gave him one present per hour until 7:00 PM.  I had them all wrapped and tagged with the time that he was supposed to open them.  He was given the instructions that he could open one at a time at the designated time.  Then, every hour he called me while he opened his present.

He told me that he really enjoyed it and that it was one of the best birthdays ever. 

Here’s a list of the things that I gave to him.  Some were nicer gifts, and some cost nothing.

8:00 Letter explaining how it was all going to work as well as a box containing all of the presents for the day.
9:00  3 pack of gum
10:00 Work shirt and argyle vest
11:00 Subway gift card (so he could get some lunch)
12:00 Shoes
1:00 Picture that my daughter drew for him
2:00 Fishing Lure (He loves to fish)
3:00 Letter with 27 things I love about him
4:00 Sweater
5:00 Letter telling him to come home and eat some hot from the oven pepperoni pizza (his fav)
6:00 favorite candy
7:00 Movie rental on Amazon

This was so fun to do for him, and I could tell that he really did enjoy it.  It is easy to adapt to anyone that you are giving a gift to and really makes their day seem even more important.

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