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I was feeling extra domestic the other day and decided to try my hand at making some jam.  My mother in law had gave me a box of peaches and they were about to go bad, so I decided the best thing to do would be to make some jam.  I have only made jam once in my life and it was apricot pineapple jam.  I called my mom and asked her for a yummy recipe and then got to work.

Here is the recipe that I used.

I made these labels for my jam just cause I thought it would be cute.  My mom said that she could tell I don’t make jam a lot because those that do make jam a lot wouldn’t take the time to make the tags.  Well, you’re in luck.  Even if you do make jam a lot, just print these out and slap them on the jar.  It would be a cute gift to give someone to tag the jam and give it with a yummy loaf of bread like this.

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