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For our Young Women activity last week, I was asked to come up with a project the girls could do that they could have for their future homes.  This is what I came up with.

I figured that not only could they use it in their future homes, but their mom’s could use them now if they wanted.

The cost ended up being only about $1.50 per girl which is a great price!  To make some of your own, here is what you will need.

*2X8 cut into 8 inch squares (I forgot that they aren’t really 8 inches to start, closer to 7, so it made the blocks 2X7X8 instead of square.)
*Tin.  This comes in 4X5 foot sheets. I just used tin snips to cut it to the size that I wanted.  (I got most of my supplies at Home Depot)
*Glass stones
*Scrapbook Paper

All you need to do is paint the edges and about an inch around the edge.  Once the paint dries, nail your tin to the front.  Using my silhouette, I cut out all of the vinyl letters.  You can apply them anywhere you would like.  Lastly all you need to do is make the magnets.  To do that, trace the shape of your stone onto some cute scrapbook paper and then cut it out.  Use Mod Podge to adhere it to the stone.  Then hot glue your magnet to the stone once it dries.

That’s it!  The girls loved it and even us leaders had a good time making them as well.  I think these would make such cute wedding gifts with some cute recipe cards to go with it.  

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