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I am fortunate to be able to be in the Young Women’s presidency in our ward.  Every month, we have a combined activity where all of the age groups join together.  As a presidency, we thought it might be fun to give the girls a theme to go with the activities and came up with President Gordon B. Hinckley’s “Be’s” which are basically a list of all the things that a young women should be.  As a part of that, we wanted to do a project that would remind them of everything we are learning so that they could have it with them everyday.  These necklaces are what I came up with.
We needed something that was inexpensive, but that the girls would still enjoy.  I really think that we achieved that.
Here’s what you need to get started.
*Stamping Set (I got mine here
*Sharpie Marker
*Bee Charms
To begin, you will need to have a solid surface (as in concrete solid.)  I found that my garage floor or the sidewalk worked the very best.  One by one, using the stamping set, you hammer each letter into place.
If you look close, it is kind of hard to see the letters.  To make them stand out a little more, use a sharpie marker and color over the top of the letters.  It will be messy, but don’t worry about that.  once you have the word covered in black, use a baby wipe and wipe the marker off.  It will stay in the letters, and it will come off the rest of the washer. 
Here is how I arranged the words so that they worked the best. 
If you do the words this way, once you put them together it makes it so that you can see all of the words still.
We used suede rope to cut the costs down a little, but you can use any sort of chain or rope to hang it from your neck.  We also attached a little bee charm that I found on etsy which I think adds a whole new dimension of cute plus it is a clever use of the word “bee” instead of “be”.  Get it?  So now it’s “Bee” Smart instead of “Be” Smart. 
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