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I am so excited to introduce you to a new idea that you will be seeing around here.
I will be teaming up with 5 other bloggers every month to bring you fun and exciting new project ideas.  First I want to introduce the other bloggers. 
*Michelle- A Little Tipsy
*Camilla- Rosy Red Buttons
*Gwen- Gwenny Penny
You should go check out their blogs (if you haven’t already).  There is some serious talent here.
Now that you know who is involved, I thought maybe I should explain how it will all work.  Every month, we will announce a project, theme or idea.  All of us are going to get to work creating our own Point of View on the project.  Then on the fourth Friday of the month we will all post our projects on our blogs.  The post will include photos and links to all the other projects as well as a tutorial for how we made our own project.
Here is the best part… get to be a part of this fun collaboration too!  There will be a link party hosted every month on Stacy’s blog.  It will go up the fourth Friday of every month and be up for a week.  Then you get to link up your own projects. 
You may be wondering, when is this all going to start?  Glad you asked.  This month!  Here is all the information you will need in order to participate with us:
*The project for this month is Skirts.  You can make it from a pattern, do a re-design or even come up with your own pattern.  It doesn’t matter.  All that matters is that it is a skirt.  Also, it can be for you, a daughter, sister, anyone! 
*The posts and linky party will all be posted on March 25th.
I hope that you will join in on this fun adventure.  I am so excited about it and think that it will be a blast!  Now, go get to work thinking about your own Point of View for making a Skirt!  Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
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