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* Finish decoupage project for Crafting with the Stars. (check)
* Take pictures of project
* Submit project
* Clean house
* Start a new project 🙂

I’ve got some work to do to get the rest checked off.

I finished my project last night, and let me tell ya.  It pretty much rocks!  I hope you like it as much as I do.  Decoupage was a hard challenge for me because coming up with something that hasn’t really been done before with mod podge is a huge challenge. 

If you don’t mind, I’m gonna get a little personal here for a minute.  This week has been a hard one for me.  My grandpa is currently in the ICU.  He is doing considerably better than earlier this week and we are hoping for a full recovery, but it was a big scare for my family.  It has really made me reflect on the important things in life. 

My grandma and grandpa on Lillie’s blessing day
Another thing I have been thinking about is that I love watching my little girl grow and I love seeing my husband succeed.  It seems that lately time has been flying by and I am seeing Lillie go from a little baby to a toddler.  I am realizing that I need to be better at recording those little moments where she is just so delightful and even those moments when she’s not.
It is also fun to see the small things that my husband is proud of.  Like the fact that he caught over 40 fish while ice fishing the other day.  It really is the small things in life that bring the most happiness.  If you need proof of that, just look at this small thing that brings me more happiness than I ever thought possible.

This post is a little scattered, and I apologize for that.  These are just the things that have been going through my mind lately.  Hopefully I’ll be back in my groove next week and I’ll be able to show you a bunch of new projects.
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