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I grew up in a pretty creative family.  We always have projects going on.  My two youngest sisters have been working on some pretty fun things lately and I thought maybe you’d like to see their completed projects.

This project is brought to you by my 15 year old sister Ellie.  Here is her tutorial (take it away Ellie!)

Up-Cycle your shoelaces and jeans
By Ellie: Jonie’s sister:)
Shoelace, Old pair of jeans, hot glue gun, scissors, seam ripper, needle and thread, and sparkles 🙂

First start off with the base of the ring. I used a belt loop but you can also use the bottom of the pant leg

Then you sew the two edges together and you have your base!

For the flower you need to cut out a circle from the jeans. Then you put a dab of glue in the middle of the circle. 

You then need to cut off the aglet of the shoelace. Place the edge of the shoe lace in the glue and start to wrap it around. Then you just keep adding glue and wrapping the shoelace around and around adding more and more glue until you get it as big as you want it.

Then you just attach the flower and the base together by putting a little glue dab in the middle of the back of the flower and put it on the base!

And if you are feeling extra giddy then you can add some sparkles with hot glue. You just put more hot glue into the edges and sprinkle the sparkles onto it.

And there you have it! Pretty easy and super cute I think. I love wearing mine, and I even spray my perfume on it so it smells good :))

Thanks for sharing Ellie!!!  Isn’t it such a great idea?  They have been a huge hit with the other girls at school.  (or so I’ve been told.)

Go ahead, show her some comment love!

(Maybe she’ll make another appearance someday.) 

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