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Don’t forget that you could win the Glittery Iron on Vinyl that the contestants are using this first round!  Go enter the play at home giveaway!
Today we get to learn a little more about Julia from It’s Always Ruetten.  Here are her answers to the questions that I asked all the contestants.

#1 What is your favorite kind of project? -also- What is your favorite project you have ever completed?

A: I like more of the crafty sorts of projects. I live in a rental apartment, so I am sort of limited on furniture makeover projects, that I would love to tackle if I only had the space. My favorite project has been the DIY Kindle Case Cover makeover. It was simple (and cheap) but has a punch to it and I use it everyday! {}
Kindle Case
#2 If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?


A: If I could go anywhere in the world, I would want to go back to New York City. The city is full of inspiration and beauty that no other place in the world has. I have been to NYC twice, but both times I was young and wasn’t able to freely travel the city. I also have never traveled abroad, so I wouldn’t say no if someone offered me a chance to travel out of the country!
#3 If you had one day to do anything you wanted to do, what would it be?
A: I would love a day to just relax and craft (too cliche?)! I wouldn’t have to clean or do laundry or cook, just work on projects and have the mess left behind magically disappear, haha!
#4 When you were younger, what did you think you would be when you grew up, and did it happen?
A: When I was younger I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian. But then I learned it wasn’t always a fun job and sometimes you had to put animals to sleep, so I changed my mind. I then wanted to work in sports broadcast journalism, because I loved the Atlanta Braves, but that too faded. I decided in high school that I wanted to work in politics and I am basically doing that now.
#5 Favorite medium? (paint, sewing, power tools,etc..)
A: My favorite medium is probably decoupaging (using Mod Podge). I also like using printables… ending up with something to frame. I really want to get into card-making, but I just need the right inspiration to hit me!
#6 Why did you start your blog? How long ago did you start it?
A: I started my blog because I live far away from all of family. I thought it would be a good way to keep them up-to-date (mainly my mom) on my projects, rather than always e-mailing them with pictures of what I was working on. I started It’s Always Ruetten in July of 2012, but didn’t really dedicate myself to it until January of this year. I love blogging and find it really rewarding and enjoyable!
#7 Tell me your favorite joke.
A: I remember this joke from third grade, “A mushroom walks into a bar and the bartender says, “No mushrooms allowed.” The mushroom says, “But, I’m a ‘fungi’.” Get it? Fungi = Fun Guy!
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