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easy kids craft for valentines day

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but I love doing holiday projects with my kids. Especially Addie. While Lillie is at school, I like to find things that we can do together so that we don’t go stir crazy being stuck in the house all day long. We decided to try our hand at making some Valentine’s Day love bug headbands, and I just have to say that they are my favorite.

Lovebug Headband

There is something about the pipe cleaners bouncing and sticking straight out while she is wearing it that just makes me laugh and laugh. I don’t even think the pictures do it justice for the cuteness factor, and the pictures are pretty dang cute. 🙂

These are so simple to make, and don’t take too long. You’ll need a few things to get started though.

  • Cardstock (white, red, black, or any other color you want to add to the mix.)
  • Pipe Cleaner (I got the sparkly ones from Hobby Lobby)
  • Felt Heart Stickers (I got a giant bag of them from Hobby Lobby as well)
  • Pom Poms
  • Elmer’s Glue Sticks
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Tape

love bug kids craft

Begin by cutting out the strips for the headband and the oval for the face. the strips are about 3 inches wide and 12 inches long. The oval doesn’t need to be perfect in any sense of the word, so I just freehand cut it out. Then you’ll need to cut out the eyes and the smaller circles for inside of the eyes. To keep things consistent, I cut out one circle and then used it as a template for the next circle. These can be as big or as small as you would like them to be.

love bug

Now comes the fun part! Let the kids have fun! They glue the eyes onto the face, then choose some hearts for the nose/mouth area. Once the eyes and nose are in place, glue the head to the middle of one of the strips of the headband. The entire head won’t need to be glued, so just glue the center of the head and leave the sides free.

love bug headband kids craft

They will next choose some hearts for the ends of the antennae and those attach best by using scotch tape to hold the heart to the top of the pipe cleaner. Fold the pipe cleaner in half and point one half out the side to use as a leg, and then the other half of the pipe cleaner will be the antennae, then tape it into place. The other legs will be another pipe cleaner folded in half and then glued to the back of the head on the side.  As a nice added touch, Addie wanted this bug to be a girl, so she added long eyelashes using a marker. I thought it was an adorable idea.

valentines kids craft

After the face, legs and antennae are all attached, they will want to add pom poms to the ends of the legs. This is totally optional, but I think it adds a cuteness factor for sure! If you just stab the pipe cleaner into the pom pom, it will hold it there. (Stab seems so violent. Poke? Insert? I dunno.)

Love bug headbands

The only thing left to do is to add the other strip of paper to the headband by stapling the sides together. Start with one side, then hold the hat on the child’s head to measure how big it needs to be and then staple the other side together. Ta-da! That’s it! You will all get a good laugh out of wearing them. I know we did.

Cute kids craft for valentines day



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