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Halloween Costume Ideas

The very best part about Addie’s 4th birthday party being Halloween themed? The COSTUMES!!! Holy moly! I was blown away by all of the creativity that my family showed in their costumes. I thought you might be interested in getting some Halloween costume ideas for couples. Are you excited to see these costumes?

Sons of Anarchy Costume ideas

First up, we have Clay and Gemma from Sons of Anarchy.

Sons of Anarchy Costume idea

Next, it’s Kevin and Russell from UP.

Up costume idea

My sister and her boyfriend wanted to go with irony, so they chose a Lumberjack and a Tree hugger.

Lumberjack & Tree Hugger Costume

My Mother and Father in-law came as Bacon and Eggs. The ultimate couples costume.

Bacon & Eggs Couples Costume

My mom and dad’s costumes were the ones that gave me the best laugh, and I thought they were so clever. I give you, Gru and Gru’s mom from Despicable Me.

Gru & Gru's Mom

The funniest part is that John and I decided to come as Minions without even knowing what my parents were dressing as. It was the best that our costumes coordinated so well!

Minions Costume

Now that you’ve seen some of the awesome couple’s costumes, can you understand why it was so hard to decide who to give the costume awards to?! It was a huge decision, but it was so fun! And just because I think they are cute, here are some pictures of my kids in their costumes too. Fun fact, the clown costume that Carter is wearing is actually the same costume that my husband wore on HIS first Halloween! Isn’t that so fun?!

Kids costume idea

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