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Little by little, I have been changing my family room around.  I am getting tired of the red and green rustic look, and decided I needed to bring some bright and fresh new colors into the room.  I didn’t want to have to re-paint the room, so I am bringing color in using different accessories.  Today I am going to show you my easy updated lampshade that was really so simple to put together!

 DIY lampshade

About three months ago, I found out about a new product that I was really excited to try out.  It took me 2 and a half months to find it, but I finally did!  It is from Frog Tape and it is called shape tape.  This stuff is pretty stinking cool.  They have three different shapes, but I decided to go with the chevron.  (I should probably mention that I am in no way being compensated for this post)

I don’t like to use chevron too much because I think it has run it’s course and it overused, so I decided to change it up a little bit and used the chevron to make a diamond-like shaped pattern on the lamp shade.

To begin, you will need a few things:

  • Paint
  • Paint brush
  • Frog Tape
  • Lamp Shade (the more straight the lamp shade is, the easier this will be.)

Start by putting your frog tape along the lamp shade.  Once it is in place, put a second piece right above it and make it so that the points on the chevron touch.  Paint between the pieces of tape.

DIY lampshade 2

I found that since my lampshade gradually got smaller at the top (even though it is just slightly) it made it difficult to keep the tape laying flat.  I worked in sections up the lamp and it helped to keep the pattern straight.

Continue working your way around the lampshade in sections, and then ta-da!  You have a brand new lamp shade that makes an impact.  Check out the before and after.

DIY lampshade 3

It is really a subtle difference, but it really warms it up and adds a nice pop of color to my family room.  Also, I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I may have some amazing curtains to show you this week sometime.  They took me FOREVER to make, but I am so glad I did.  I can’t wait to show you!

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