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This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Jelly Beans but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #JellysAreBack

When you were younger, did you wear Jelly Shoes?  It seems to me that everyone that I ask that question to inevitably says, “Yes!”  They were all the rage, and guess what, they are back!  Check out this cuteness:


The moment I told my daughter Lillie that there was a package that had arrived for her, she was so excited!  I couldn’t have chosen a better package to arrive then this one.  It was filled with jelly shoes and jelly beans.  Lillie thought she was in heaven.  She arranged them all on the floor together so that I could take a photo of the contents of the package along with her brand new shoes.

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These shoes go with everything.  I don’t know about you, but I struggle to find cute shoes for my daughters sometimes.  I struggle even more with finding shoes that can go with more then one type of outfit.  I love that these can be used with dresses, pants, shorts, anything!  They come in a variety of colors as well.  I really like having the clear ones because it makes them that much more versatile.

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If you are interested in getting a pair of your own, you definitely should!  These Jelly Shoes are so well made and so fun.  They are made by a company in Australia, but they sent a large supply to the United States and are now shipping for free in the US!  You won’t regret buying these, I am sure of it!

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If you would like to see more about Jelly Beans shoes, you can visit them on any of their social media outlets, or you can visit their website.  The links to all are below:

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 What a ham, but isn’t she so cute?!  I love this cute little model. 🙂



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